Summer = Summer dresses |
Stuff that's been on my mind lately...
Hmm...everyone on my Facebook from high school seems to be getting married, engaged or having babies. It's terrifying. My sort of ex's brother just married a girl who was once a very good friend of mine this past weekend. Her and I don't talk anymore. I'm not sad about the "sort of" ex, he was an asshole, but I do feel that this marriage has sealed the deal that my high school life is over. I have very few friends left from high school. That said, those who've stuck around have been the best people I've even known!
I saw the movie Bridesmaids recently and it really made me think about the collection of friends you have. Friends from childhood, friends from high school, friends from university/college, friends from work, family friends. I know we already tackled the subject of friendship, but as I get older the topic becomes more relevant. Who will stick by you till the end? Who will know you best as you are today? Do people stay the same or change? A bit of both I think.
I am pretty happy with my life right now though...even if I'm still not gainfully employed. I'm feeling better about life and loved ones. If I had to fill a wedding party today (don't worry, this is totally hypothetical) I don't think I'd have a problem.
Anyways, hopefully you'll hear from Lauren and Tom sometime this summer!
The Canuck!